
Kepler at Home: Elizabeth Meola

Written by Elizabeth Meola | May 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Life in the little things

Welcome to the fourth edition of Kepler at Home. While we’re all adjusting to new schedules and ways of working, Kepler leaders share their thoughts, personally and professionally — how they stay motivated, moving, and the new traditions they are starting.

Elizabeth Meola co-leads Kepler’s Client Solutions team, and while she’s lost track of how many weeks we’ve been working from home (7? 8? 108?) she is finding positivity in the small victories…

I don’t know about you, but it’s little things like this that really get me excited these days, like:

  • My weekly trip to the grocery store, glaring at anyone who tries to go the wrong way down the one-way aisles
  • The paper towels I ordered from Amazon that show up 5 weeks later
  • New sweatpants ← if you’re going to buy them, click on a search ad first
  • Annoying my dog with multiple walks a day
  • New episodes of Peppa Pig — I’ve seen them all
  • Buying baking equipment but being too impatient to let bread rise and pivoting to cookies….again
  • An ergonomically optimized work station
  • Wine delivery
  • Coaching my children through emotionally difficult moments

An emotionally difficult moment in quarantine. Exhibit 1 of hundreds…

Other things that have been getting me excited is some of the amazing work I’ve seen our team accomplish from the far reaches of their childhood bedrooms and newly-created home offices, from a well-received client QBR to Kepler’s first launch on TikTok.

Even as we navigate professional and personal uncertainty with unexpected twists and turns each week, I continue to be inspired by the work we all do for our clients and each other. That was one of the things that brought me to Kepler 3 years ago, and one of the things that makes me excited to put on my finest lounge wear, travel to the spare bedroom, and log on each day.

Be safe out there.

Elizabeth Meola, Head of Client Solutions