Join us for "The Journey Towards In-Housing" panel

News By: Marketing July 3, 2020
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Our CEO & Co-founder, Martin Kelly, will be hosting a panel focusing on the pandemic's impact on in-housing and operating models. He will be joined by Nestlé, Vodafone and HelloFresh at 09.55am UK time on Wednesday 8th July as part of Virtual Programmatic Pioneers. Its free to join, so sign up here.

With virtual conferencing taking over from face to face, we are working with conference producers WBR to make sure marketers don’t fall behind in learning about digital advertising. So, even if we can’t head to Twickenham stadium to meet in person at the minute, WBR has put together a great agenda. The virtual event will take place in the mornings of Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th July under the heading “Rethinking the Global Advertising Industry in a Post COVID-19 World”.

As a digital agency that specialises in helping advertisers get transparency and take more in-house control, we were asked to moderate the in-housing panel. There has been a lot of discussion about this subject recently, as many have been questioning how advertiser media operating models will be affected by the pandemic. Will it force advertisers to rely more heavily on their agencies, or could it accelerate digital transformation projects requiring the ownership of media data and technology?

Below are the details of the session, which is taking place on the second day of the virtual event.

DAY 2 - 8th July | The Journey Towards In-Housing

09.55 – 10.40 Panel Discussion: A step-by-step guide to in-house success in a COVID-19 era.
How to better determine what to outsource and which new technologies to implement to fulfil your programmatic objectives.

Moderator: Martin Kelly, CEO, Infectious Media
- Carlotta Meneghini, Head of Programmatic & Digital Marketing, Vodafone
- Matthew Bushby, Head of Programmatic, Zenith
- Teresa Fusaro, Head of Product, Programmatic Media, Nestlé
- Tushar Kalra, Head of Global Display & Programmatic Marketing, HelloFresh

Have a look at the full agenda and sign up free here.