AD/FIN & Infectious Media partner to bring greater accountability to Programmatic Media

By: Marketing Jul 13, 2017


New York – April, 2017 – Infectious Media, the international programmatic media agency, and AD/FIN, the independent programmatic intelligence company, today announced a partnership to bring greater transparency and accountability to digital media.


The partnership positions Infectious Media among the very first agencies to actively embrace independent, 3rd- party cost verification and benchmarking of its media transactions. Together with AD/FIN, Infectious Media will offer its clients an unprecedented level of transparency and insight into their growing digital media investments, with the ability to track, analyze, and audit every media impression purchased. Clients will not only be in greater control of their media investments, but will be empowered to evaluate the performance and value creation of Infectious Media and other parties in its digital supply chain.


Andy Cocker, co-founder and COO of Infectious Media stated, "Most agencies and trading desks claim transparency, but few provide what advertisers really need. Advertisers want confidence in the integrity of the supply chain and deep insight into the return on their media investments. We’ve invested heavily in our own programmatic technology infrastructure to allow clients to get much closer to the process and see for themselves. We’re very happy to be partnering with AD/FIN to further empower our clients and demonstrate our continued commitment to transparency.”


Andrew Altersohn, CEO of AD/FIN, commented “Infectious Media joins a group of progressive, game-changing players setting a new standard for financial accountability in programmatic media. They are taking a proactive role in this critically important fiduciary responsibility.” Altersohn added, “As important, Infectious Media is also embracing a time-honored practice in media by supporting the creation of price and performance benchmarks. Only with unbiased benchmarks will advertisers and media buyers know for sure if they are getting maximum bang for each media dollar.”

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