The challenges of in-housing programmatic

Strategy By: Marketing Apr 2, 2018

What obstacles face advertisers who are looking to in-house their programmatic strategy?

question-mark-2492009_1920.jpgAccording to a study by the WFA, 90% of advertisers are reviewing how they buy programmatic ads.

The need for transparency and budget spend awareness isn’t a new advertiser demand, however more advertisers are starting to consider in-housing their programmatic strategy, due to a lack of trust from their agency provider.


As shown in Infectious Media's Report on In-Housing, 71% of advertisers think agencies have struggled to adapt to programmatic. The survey reveals this in one key area:
measurement. 72% feel that agencies don’t accurately measure the impact of their campaigns.

Whilst the idea of bringing your programmatic in-house seems to sound like a good idea to save money and have full transparency, the reality is not as simple.Programmatic advertising requires a complex technological infrastructure, which needs the right talent, investment and skills behind it to make it work.  


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Strategy plan

Advertisers need to determine and plan whether they see programmatic as a strategic initiative for their marketing or not. As soon as advertisers have this they need to plan their in-housing roadmap across the following key factors: investment, talent, measurement and technology, as suggested by the Programmatic Advisory. 

Whilst agencies have been refining their programmatic strategy and offerings over the years, there hasn’t been a blueprint made for advertisers, looking to build their own strategy.

“There is no rule book for advertisers,” explained Attila Jakab, Managing Director at Infectious Media:


“Taking programmatic in-house is very different to an area like search. There, the ecosystem is dominated by Google, so there’s no need for brands to pursue new data sources. In programmatic, it’s the opposite. Working out the best choice from a vast amount of inventory partners on a global scale isn’t easy. And then there is the brand safety and measurement still to consider.”


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Infectious Media recently launched their report into the programmatic in-housing trend to discover their views on agencies, in-housing, and their solution to bring the “antiquated” world of media buying up to date. Download your copy now. 


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