Expedia: Using Programmatic Guaranteed to access the best inventory

Strategy By: Marketing Oct 11, 2019

Programmatic advertisers in APAC are challenged by low levels of premium
inventory – and where this inventory does exist, the auctions are highly competitive.

Expedia knew where it could find relevant and highly valuable users that were
actively in-market, but making sure it could access as many of them as possible
would be difficult in the open marketplace. Interacting with all of these people
was very important to the performance of the business.

After achieving limited success with private marketplaces, Expedia worked with
two premium travel publishers to maximise its presence in front of these people
using Programmatic Guaranteed.

By removing itself from the auction process, Expedia made sure it was reaching
every one of the valuable users whilst still being able to receive the full data that
programmatic advertising provides.

Despite very high CPMs, this initiative became one of Expedia’s leading
programmatic strategies in APAC and delivered a CPA 82% below the target.

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