Infectious Media win two awards at the Digital Trading Awards 2017!

By: Marketing Jul 14, 2017


Infectious Media is thrilled to have won two awards at last night's Digital Trading Awards for “Most Effective Digital Media Buy” and "Best Attribution Solution". The awards, now in their 4th year, celebrate the best examples of digital trading.


The winning campaign for Most Effective Digital Media Buy for John Lewis focused on using smarter insight and innovative Programmatic Guaranteed activity to ensure access to premium ad space at an efficient cost, which drove ROI 346% higher than target. Programmatic Guaranteed works as a secured deal through RTB channels, by withdrawing competition at the bid stage, and entering a closed auction, we can guarantee access to certain inventory and users. This positive effect can be seen on performance, but it also utilises centralised buying, allowing for more effective targeting, measurement and analytics through Programmatic.


This is the third time that Infectious Media have won the award for Most Effective Digital Media Buy, which is an excellent accolade to our team who have worked purposefully on getting these great results for our clients.


The winning campaign for Best Attribution Solution for MBNA highlights and underlines our incremental model, ahead of attribution companies, which is excellent news and gives high praise to the model the team at Infectious Media are working on. Digital marketing attribution commonly relies on inaccurate post-click & post-impression assumptions. Because of the wealth of data programmatic offers, MBNA knew that a better solution was possible. Working with Infectious Media, it used viewability data to understand the true incremental impact of its programmatic advertising. MBNA can now confidently say which conversions were driven directly by its display activity.


Incrementality does more than reveal the true impact of an advertising campaign. It also helps to drive profitability. Instead of wasting money on users who would convert anyway, it focuses budget on new customers who need some persuasion - directly impacting the business's bottom line. MBNA used this Incrementality Growth Strategy and can now say confidently which conversions were driven directly by its display activity.







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