Four pillars of good measurement

Analytics By: Marketing Aug 21, 2018

What can you do to put the principles in place?



1. Know the action you want a user to take, and why.                                                              Do you want the user to spend a certain amount of time on a page, visit a certain number of pages, or something more conversion focused? Whatever it is, you must have data- backed insight to show the action drives real business performance.


2. Make sure it’s a human doing the action, off the back of a safe, viewable interaction.

Spend on fraudulent, unsafe, or unviewable adverts should be accounted for in all measurement metrics. This should be done on a user-level so that all actions, such as
conversions, can be discredited from campaign reporting if necessary


3. Get fully transparent data, independently verified.                                                      Prioritise transparent technology partners and inventory sources who will provide you with open access to the data. Finally, work with a third party, who can independently verify the performance your media buyer is claiming.


4. Understand how your customers would have reacted without seeing your adverts.

Compare the performance of an unexposed control group to an exposed test group to determine your advertising’s true incremental impact. [HM to create something here based on 'measurement gold standard' point.


“Determine how your organisation will define programmatic success. Gather intelligence on how your peers are setting expectations for their campaigns and select your benchmarks intelligently. Make sure your team develops well-defined and actionable KPIs and works with your attribution partner and technology providers if necessary to see that your campaigns are hitting the right marks.” ANA Report: The state of programmatic media buying, December 2015.


To find out how to overcome these challenges, download our whitepaper on how to determine the true impact of your advertising. 
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