How to move to incremental measurement

Analytics By: Marketing Aug 21, 2018

Here are the key things you need to get right in order to move onto incremental measurement. 



  • Get the tech 
    Have a direct relationship with a DSP that can provide you with bid and log-level data (data from each individual bid and impression) and be able to tie it to conversions. This gives you the most opportunity to build understanding at a granular level. 
  • Skill up
    You need people who are experts at analysing large amounts of complex data. Ideally this
    will be someone ‘in-house’, as you will be able to guarantee the validity and impartiality of
    the results.
  • Demand the full picture
    There cannot be any opacity in the data you receive - it requires full transparency of
    data. Prioritise demonstrably transparent inventory suppliers.
  • Have confidence in your model
    Be brave. These are your true results. Now it is time to optimise your strategy to increase
    incremental performance.


To find out how to overcome these challenges, download our whitepaper on how to determine the true impact of your advertising. 
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