Developing The Retail Media Opportunity Into Mainstream Media Investment: A Guide For Brands On What Needs To Happen Next
Although retail media is accelerating, there are challenges for advertisers in navigating this new media. For advertisers,...
How to Spend the Right Amount at the Right Time on Amazon Search
Timing is everything in retail, but retail media platforms offer few options to advertisers who want to control spend by...
Why more advertisers will see Amazon as a brand builder
This article by Hannah Grobmyer, AVP of Client Delivery at Kepler, was originally published inThe Media Leader.
Reverse Weave Week campaign for Champion shortlisted
Kepler was recently shortlisted for Digiday’s Media Buying and Planning awards for our use of emergent media in a campaign...
What Google’s Topics API Proposal Means for Brands
Google recently announced a new proposal for enabling interest-based advertising in Chrome: Topics API. Topics is intended...
Kepler Partners with Supply Side Platforms to Maximize Media Impact
It’s more important than ever that brands make the most of their media dollars, but currently, only a portion of every...
DBS Case Study: Driving performance and purpose
DBS is a purpose-driven financial institution that believes it has a central role to play in creating a sustainable future...
What we learned at YouTube’s Multicultural Summit
Multicultural consumers are one of the fastest-growing audience segments on digital platforms and brands need to learn how...
Is your data ready for the new digital landscape?
The decline of user-based tracking and ever-evolving privacy regulations are putting pressure on brands to rethink the way...