Übernehmen Sie Kontrolle über Ihr RTB-Budget - Fragen, die Sie ihrem RTB Dienstleister stellen können

Übernehmen Sie Kontrolle über Ihr RTB-Budget - Fragen, die Sie ihrem RTB Dienstleister stellen können
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

BSkyB spends £6m on real-time bidding

BSkyB talking about their level of commitment to real-time advertising, including work with Infectious Media on customer cross/up sell.
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

The future of real time bidding lies with improving the advertising experience

Infectious Media's CEO, Martin Kelly talks about where the real time industry is headed
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

The Agency And Consultancy Collision

As advertising agencies look to ape consultancies, and consultancies trespass into agency territory, this Exchangewire article examines ...
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

Le nombre d’impressions n’est pas l’indicateur le plus pertinent pour mesurer l’efficacité des campagnes.

Le nombre d’impressions n’est pas l’indicateur le plus pertinent pour mesurer l’efficacité des campagnes.
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

How RTB Has Changed Our Industry

In many ways, I’m not sure the industry has moved on that much in the way that RTB is being utilised. The immediate set of benefits...
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

Infographic: Real-Time Bidding Year Review Europe

Infographic: Real-Time Bidding Year Review Europe
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

L'e-pub aux enchères tire un marché morose en 2012

L'e-pub aux enchères tire un marché morose en 2012
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

RTB auf der Überholspur mit der Facebook Exchange

RTB auf der Überholspur mit der Facebook Exchange
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017

The online advertising impression needs to be replaced

For brand campaigns at a fraction of the cost, online advertising needs guaranteed viewability, says Daniel de Sybel on the Guardian Media ...
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By: Marketing, on Jul 13, 2017
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