A day in the life of... Optimisation & Insights Director at IM

Learn about a typical working day for our Optimisation & Insights Director, Rachael Morris, and what advice she gives to people looking to ...
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By: Rachael Morris, on May 17, 2018

Creating better engagement metrics with session time

As part of our Insights Blog series, Andrew Dunmall, Senior Data Analyst at Infectious Media explains a clients journey to improve their ...
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By: Andrew Dunmall, on Apr 18, 2018

Infectious Media’s Ad Fraud Event

High-profile press on ad fraud, brand safety and viewability has led advertisers to question how to get the best value from programmatic.
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By: Marketing, on Apr 3, 2018

An embargo on programmatic spells disaster for trade 

Rather than limiting programmatic spend through tight whitelisting, look at how measurement strategies are contributing to quality concerns
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By: Attila Jakab, on Apr 3, 2018

MarTech - TechBytes with Dan de Sybel

TechBites interview with Dan de Sybel by MarTech
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By: Dan de Sybel, on Apr 2, 2018

An introduction to the Ad Fraud Task Team

We have created our own Ad Fraud Task Force to tackle fraudulent activity. Read how we minimise ad fraud in our clients' programmatic buying
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By: Marketing, on Apr 3, 2018

Could 'incrementality' be key to freeing up digital ad budgets?

How can marketers prove the uplift of their programmatic advertising? And, if they can, would this open up more budget for campaigns
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By: Rachael Morris, on Apr 4, 2018

Why chasing after 100% viewability makes no sense for advertisers

Some advertisers are saying anything under 100% viewability is not acceptable. But this might actually make your campaigns less efficient
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By: Rachael Morris, on Apr 5, 2018

Measuring cross-device uplift during Black Friday 2015

Black Friday is a key opportunity for many retail marketers. But the challenge of cross-device makes accurate measurement difficult
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By: Carter Crouch, on Apr 5, 2018

Using programmatic to join up the customer journey

What could happen if, instead of no sequential order, people received ads in order, with each one building on the last interaction?
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By: Rachael Morris, on Apr 5, 2018
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