Deutsche Telekom brings in Infectious Media to help implement its Media Operating Model

With Deutsche Telekom recently introducing its new media operating model across Europe, the company has appointed Infectious Media as ...
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By: Marketing, on Jun 14, 2018

The digital ad industry must come clean to regain trust

There have been numerous calls for the advertising industry to clean up its act, particularly when it comes to digital.
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By: Martin Kelly, on Jun 12, 2018

The out-of-home commercial model is broken - programmatic is the fix

Major structural changes need to be made if out-of-home is to reap the digital rewards on offer, writes Dan Larden to Mediatel
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By: Dan Larden, on Jun 6, 2018

The future of programmatic is hybrid

With recent IAB research revealing that a majority of brands have created their own internal programmatic teams, Martin Kelly, co-founder ...
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By: Martin Kelly, on Jun 1, 2018

Taking back control: Deutsche Telekom on its journey to create a hybrid media model

Deutsche Telekom expects more brands to bring aspects of media buying in-house as they look for greater control and flexibility. Marketing ...
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By: Marketing, on May 31, 2018

What should agencies do to remain relevant at a time of eroding brand trust and increased in-housing?

With the trend for in-housing programmatic hitting client agendas, it is clear that a shift is taking place in the relationship between ...
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By: Attila Jakab, on May 30, 2018

Why it’s time to solve programmatic’s measurement problem

For too long, agencies and brands haven’t focused on what campaigns are really trying to achieve. Rachael Morris, Infectious Media's ...
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By: Rachael Morris, on May 29, 2018

Getting better programmatic measurement will stop wasted ad spend

Rachael Morris, Director of optimisation and insight at Infectious Media, looks at where programmatic measurement falls short and how a ...
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By: Rachael Morris, on May 11, 2018

Brands Are Entering A New Data Arms-Race, And Agencies Must Help Them To Compete

With the ever-evolving relationship between brand and agency, Infectious Media's CEO, Martin Kelly, explains to AdExchanger how agencies ...
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By: Martin Kelly, on May 8, 2018

APAC Marketers Need to Get Measurement Right First

Attila Jakab, Infectious Media's Managing Director shares his views with ExchangeWire on how marketers in the APAC region need to tackle ...
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By: Attila Jakab, on Apr 13, 2018
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